RIP Maya Angelou

Ken AshfordIn Passing1 Comment

She died just before 8:00 am this morning at her house on Bertram Road (about 5 minutes from my house). Everyone in town has a Maya story.  She had a lot of house parties for people in the arts and Wake Forest.  I only met her a couple of times. Still I Rise You may write me down in historyWith … Read More

California Shooting Rampage

Ken AshfordGun ControlLeave a Comment

A horrific mass shooting at UCSB over the weekend.  A lunatic armed with a semi-automatic handgun allegedly posted a misogynistic tirade on YouTube before hunting down and shooting women on campus. Seven dead (including the gunman) and seven more injured. Nothing to see here. Move along, right? The deaths this weekend were disgusting, but not as disgusting as "Joe The Plumber", who … Read More

A Response To A Bipolar Mind

Ken AshfordMental Health, PersonalLeave a Comment

You write:   Okay.  Good questions.  Here are some answers. Why do these people who love me think I do these things on purpose?  There are people who love you who don't understand your illness, or don't even know you have an illness.  Yes, those people think you are doing it on purpose.   But then there are people who … Read More

Wait, They Can’t Do That!

Ken AshfordSupreme CourtLeave a Comment

Can they? WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court has been quietly revising its decisions years after they were issued, altering the law of the land without public notice. The revisions include “truly substantive changes in factual statements and legal reasoning,” said Richard J. Lazarus, a law professor at Harvard and the author of a new study examining the phenomenon. The court can act quickly, as when … Read More

How Much Is The NC State Legislature In The Pocket Of Big Business?

Ken AshfordEnvironment & Global Warming & Energy, Fracking, Local InterestLeave a Comment

This much: North Carolina GOP Pushes Unprecedented Bill to Jail Anyone Who Discloses Fracking Chemicals As hydraulic fracturing ramps up around the country, so do concerns about its health impacts. These concerns have led 20 states to require the disclosure of industrial chemicals used in the fracking process. North Carolina isn’t on that list of states yet — and it may be … Read More

Pat Sajak Is Kind Of A Dick

Ken AshfordEnvironment & Global Warming & EnergyLeave a Comment

I now believe global warming alarmists are unpatriotic racists knowingly misleading for their own ends. Good night. — Pat Sajak (@patsajak) May 20, 2014 That was Pat, probably after a couple of drinks. It's kind of hard to understand how Pat links those who acknowledge climate change as fact to racism, and nowhere has Pat managed to make that link. … Read More

Comeuppance For A Cretin

Ken AshfordRight Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

I like the snark that Slate took: Dinesh D'Souza, the conservative author and commentator who asserts that Barack Obama is "driven by a Third World, anti-American ideology that he got from his Kenyan father," admitted today in federal court to committing campaign finance fraud. From the New York Daily News: Busted in January for skirting a $5,000 cap by reimbursing his friends … Read More

We’re Back

Ken AshfordGay Marriage, RaceLeave a Comment

Lots of things I wanted to write yesterday, but Typepad got dinged by another denial-of-service attack.  Pretty frustrating for them, but more so for me.  This is happening too often. So now it all seems like old news — Oregon flipping on same-sex marriage, for example. One story I was following — because it takes place in New Hampshire and … Read More

Arkansas Oh So Close

Ken AshfordGay MarriageLeave a Comment

The Arkansas Supreme Court has denied a request for an emergency stay of Judge Chris Piazza's order overturning the ban on same-sex marriage. The court also dismissed as premature an appeal of Piazza's ruling because it wasn't a final order. Here's the opinion.  Marriage equality remains the law of the land in Arkansas, but the court injected a wrinkle that will give … Read More

And Idaho

Ken AshfordGay MarriageLeave a Comment

Another domino falls.  A federal judge has ruled that Idaho's ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional. The ruling, handed down by U.S. Magistrate Judge Candy Dale on Tuesday, followed oral arguments on May 5. Earlier Tuesday, Idaho Gov. Butch Otter (R) filed a preemptive motion asking for an immediate stay if Dale did rule against the gay marriage ban.

Not An Apology

Ken AshfordPopular Culture, RaceLeave a Comment

“I’m not a racist," Sterling said. “I made a terrible, terrible mistake. And I’m here with you today to apologize and to ask for forgiveness for all the people that I’ve hurt.” Okay, that's a good start.  Except it wasn't ONE terrible mistake.  After all you were being sued for discrimination, which was mistake one, and then to make racist … Read More

NC Elections As Bellweather for the US?

Ken AshfordElection 2014Leave a Comment

CNN gives us five takeaways from last night's NC primary results: 1. Republican establishment passes early test: The GOP establishment — that galaxy of Washington-based political operatives, national party committees and business groups who care first and foremost about winning — promised early on that they wouldn't let controversial candidates jeopardize their chances of re-taking the Senate this year. North Carolina … Read More