An entire website devoted to "Obama In Art".
BTW, It’s Unconstitutional For Hillary To Become Secretary Of State
Not that anyone cares. But, technically, she really can't become SoS. Not legally. It's because of a rather obscure clause in the United States Constitution (Article I, Section 6) called the Emoluments Clause, which reads: No Senator or Representative shall, during the Time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil Office under the Authority of the United States, … Read More
Preventative Peace
Supposedly, there is a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth from the "angry left" with regard to Obama's choices for his "international team" — i.e., Hillary as Secretary of State, Robert Gates staying on as Secretary of Defense, and Gen. James L. Jones, the former NATO commander, as national security adviser. I think it's premature to complain. None of … Read More
Obama Skips Church
That's the headline at Politco. Look, can you blame him? The president-elect had to leave his former church because some people didn't like that his pastor was an angry black man. I'm sure it was in the news. Besides, I'm sure he's busy with his Muslim socialist cabal.
Hillary As Secretary of State?
She's apparently being considered. I think it is a great choice. The Clintons are still admired abroad, and it will help the United States get back some of its international esteem that it has lost. She has celebrity and credibility. I don't agree with Mike Allen's assessment that Obama is on his way (with Clinton as SoS) to creating a … Read More
The 63 Questions
Want a job with the Obama administration? Sure, who doesn't? But you have to answer these 63 questions (PDF format). Yes, those are the actual questions (and requests for information) that the Obama administration seeks. The one drawing a lot of attention is the request for URLs of Facebook, MySpace, and personal blogs. Well, I'm screwed. UPDATE: No, dammit, I'm not screwed. What … Read More
An Intellectual In The White House
Kristof's column in the New York Times, entitled "Obama and the War on Brains" is a must-read. It's about the return — the unapologetic return — of intellectual thinkers in the White House. An excerpt: Barack Obama’s election is a milestone in more than his pigmentation. The second most remarkable thing about his election is that American voters have just picked … Read More
About All Those Emails From Barack Obama That You Received….
Guess what? You're not done getting them: Obama aides and allies are preparing a major expansion of the White House communications operation, enabling them to reach out directly to the supporters they have collected over 21 months without having to go through the mainstream media. They're going to be used to urge you to do certain things like "push reluctant … Read More
How Obama Will Govern
Not to make outrageous comparisons, but I predict that Obama's governing style will be much like those of America's two most popular presidents: George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. George Washington had an eye toward historical precedent. He knew, for example, that what he did as President would affect future presidencies to come. For example, when it came to title, he … Read More
Breaking News: Chief Of Staff
The second most important job in the United States, functionally-speaking, is the President's Chief of Staff. The Chief of Staff sets the agenda (though not the policy), is the gatekeeper of presidential access, and is generally charged with "getting things done". MSNBC just reported that Rahm Emanuel has accepted that post in the Obama administration. It's a good choice. Emanuel has … Read More