Impeachment Q&A

Ken AshfordL'Affaire Ukraine, Trump & Administration, Trump ImpeachmentLeave a Comment

The questioning phase will take place on today and tomorrow, for up to 16 hours total. A vote on whether to hear witnesses in the trial is expected on Friday. With the critical vote looming, Senate Republicans are coalescing around the idea that it is better to risk looking like they ignored relevant evidence than to plunge the Senate into an open-ended inquiry and anger President Trump.

Other impeachment news is rolling in…

Also, Lev Parnas arrivved on Capital Hill to hear Q&A with the Senators, but apparently wasn’t allowed in.

Uh… Lindsay?

And we’re off.

Defense lawyer is, of course, that mixed motive means you must acquit.

Schiff responds to the next question, but addresses the first one as well, saying the sole motive was personal (and you need more witnesses to confirm that if you want to know his motivation).

I’m going to post bits and pieces as they strike me.

By the way, here are Romney’s questions. They are all good.

Alan Dershowitz now arguing that if the president were to THINK his election were in the public interest, it could not be a corrupt motive

Republican questions seem to be repetitive already.

And we’re done for a short break.

We’re back.

I can’t believe this hasn’t been offered up in response to every Republican insistence that Trump was the only one willing to provide lethal aid. He wasn’t. It was forced on him, and word is that those Javelin missiles are all still warehoused.

Ooooh….. this is big:

In other words, he can’t answer. But this is making a case to call witnesses.

Philbin continues:

Short answer seems to be: No. Though a lot of references to Giuliani hearing those allegations before Biden entered the race, and reference to how conversations between Giuliani and POTUS are privileged.

Schiff returns to issue about Bolton’s book. He says that Trump’s counsel said they did not get Bolton’s book but they avoided answering whether they were informed about what was IN the book.

The Bolton book question is brought up again.