The Hilarious Plot To Derail Mueller, Part Two

Ken AshfordCrime, L'Affaire Russe, Right Wing and Inept Media, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

Today’s the day for Jacob Wohl’s big press conference on his supposed Mueller assault allegations.  I detail the early hilarity here.

Wohl and Burkman have doubled, tripled and quadrupled down on their allegation that the accuser is very credible.  And they said they will reveal all at a press conference at the Rosslyn Holiday Inn at noon today.  Wohl has admitted in a video that he owns and operates Surefire Intelligence.

But according to this screen grab from The Gateway Pundit, it looks like the hilarity is about to continue.

So the credible accuser won’t even be there.

The much-hyped witness who disappears at the last minute is a classic Jack Burkman move, by the way. He’s done this before. Earlier this year, Burkman helped peddle conspiracy theories about the murder of Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich when he announced a press conference in which he said he would “present a witness” who would identify two individuals who had information about Rich’s murder. However, when reporters arrived, Burkman said the witness would call in, and not appear in person. After technical difficulties establishing a phone connection, the witness, who was not identified by name, rambled instead of providing actual information.

Another problem: according to the original accusation, the woman “had worked for Mueller as a paralegal at the Pillsbury, Madison, and Sutro law firm in 1974.”  That would make her 54 or 55 today.  Does the woman in the photo appear to be that age?

UPDATE: In the video, at the 2:08 mark, Wohl gives their witness’s last name: “Miss Cass”

LIVE UPDATES: I guess the conference is starting. No live streaming apparently.

Pretty odd to reveal her name if she wanted to be anonymous. That’s a red flag.

Actually, it is Carolyne Cass.

Ah, a livestream!

Claims she was raped in 2010 by Robert Mueller at St. Regis Hotel.  That’s about it.  

And about her name….

Hmmmm.  They ignored a question about the security detail Mueller would have had with him at the time.

The press conference is over. The livestream I followed was from the Gateway Pundit, and she is beside herself with how ridiculously bad this accusation is.