Is It Any Wonder Women Don’t Come Forward With Sexual Assault Allegations?

Ken AshfordSex Scandals, Sex/Morality/Family Values, Supreme Court, Trump & Administration, Women's IssuesLeave a Comment

Even though Trump himself said that Dr. Christine Ford’s allegations were “credible”, he somehow managed to attack her last night at a rally.

What do you do?  If I were a principled Republican (and I’m not sure they exist anymore), I would note “no” on Kavanaugh because of Trump’s little mocking alone. Yes, for that reason alone, and I would tell Kavanaugh why.  Blame Trump. 

The White House says that Trump was highlighting inconsistencies.  But I didn’t hear a single inconsistency.  It was Trump mocking her for not remembering small and irrelevant details from 36 years ago.  That’s not being inconsistent.  That’s just how the brain works.

Senator Collins, a swing vote, has spoken against Trump’s speech against Ford.  So has Jeff Flake.  But how will they vote?

UPDATE — Trump is defending himself this morning — here’s his tweet and an accurate response.

And Flake seems to be flaking out…
