Introducing The Navigator

Ken AshfordEconomy & Jobs & Deficit, Election 2018, General corruption, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

Why do progressives lose when we should win more often? Some say it is because of the way we frame the issues when talking about them.

For example, Trump supporters point to the stock market and say the economy is doing great. What is the progressive response that resonates better with voters?

(a) The economy might be better in the country as a whole, but in my community, many people are still struggling to pay their bills and keep up a decent standard of living.


(b) The economy may be growing but wealthy people at the top are getting all the benefit, while the middle class and working people are falling further behind.

Both are true, but twice as many people agree with (b) as (a). So (b) is the better message.

Better messaging is the goal of a new project called “The Navigator” – a monthly report for advocates, be they elected officials, candidates, or just people wanting to convince other people. If you’re a politics nerd, you’ll want to check it out.

This is the first issue, dealing with the economy and corruption and Trump:

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