On Caitlyn Jenner

Ken AshfordPopular Culture, Sex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

CaitlynIt’s all been said.  Kudos to Caitlyn (former known as Bruce) Jenner (and congrats on the fact that she broke the record previously held by President Barack Obama by reaching 1 million followers in 4 hours and 3 minutes).

Yes, she is very pretty.

Yes, the Associated Press did a douche-y thing by using the male pronoun.

Yes, now that Caitlyn has arrived, we’ve already started demeaning women by saying “Well, she’s prettier than Bruce’s former wife”, as if we can’t saying something nice about one woman without demeaning another.

Yes, the fact that there will be a new reality show about her leaves a bad taste in my mouth and makes me feel less inclined to see her as a “hero”.

But why is nobody talking about Renee Richards?  She is the Jackie Robinson here, not Caitlyn.

P.S.  You might be interested to know that Obama is using Caitlyn Jenner — shoving it down your throat, in fact — so that you’ll be distracted when the civil war starts: