Breaking Bad Is Just A TV Show

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

The word “fan”, as in “someone who likes something”, comes from the longer word “fanatic”, which means “someone obsessed about something”.

I am a fan of many many things; not a fanatic about much (if anything).  I like Breaking Bad.  I was a fan.  But some people are just crazy fanatics:

In a famous scene in Breaking Bad, a furious Walter White, while feuding with his wife, angrily throws a pizza on the roof of his house.

That’s a real house in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Fans know where it is. It’s a tourist attraction. A pleasant couple lives there. They’re okay with people stopping by to take photos. But they are tired of fans throwing pizzas on their roof.

Vince Gilligan, the creator of the show, is quite serious when he tells fans to stay off their property and don’t throw pizzas on their roof. You can listen to him talk about the problem at the 3:15 point in this podcast.

As Shatner once said, “Get a life, people.  It’s just a TV show!”