Smackdown Video Of The IRS “Scandel”

Ken AshfordPolitical ScandalsLeave a Comment


The smackdown video above was released Wednesday by Democrats on the House Oversight Committee. Message: What IRS scandal? Not that the failure of Republicans, particularly Rep. Darrell Issa of California and the puppets in the right-wing media noise machine, will ever shut up about this no matter what is learned about the reality.

We've had months of "investigations" and allegations that there was a partisan effort by the IRS, coordinated by the White House, to target tea party organizations over their tax-exempt status. What have we learned? Democratic and independent groups were looked at in the IRS examination of tax status, not just tea party groups. None of the tea party groups were denied tax-exempt status. While bellyaching about the supposed partisan nature of the IRS's evaluation of these groups, Issa asked IRS Inspector General J. Russell George to confine himself to looking solely at conservative and tea party groups in his internal investigation into what happened.

As for Issa's claims that he would tie the "scandal" to the White House? Bupkis.