S.E. Cupp thinks the Republicans are in for a surge, because the kids get them.
Yes, really. Let's break down her Daily News opinion piece:
It’s doubtful right now that there’s a Democratic strategist, politician or candidate anywhere in America who’s asking: “How do we get more young voters?”
That’s because youth fealty to the Democratic Party is so rote these days that liberals seem to delight in rubbing it in.
Progressive prognosticator Ana Marie Cox, for one, decreed in The Guardian recently that “no amount of ‘rebranding’ will win back young voters to the Republican Party.” Amanda Marcotte of Slate implied just this week that the rise of progressive millennials — voters ages 18 to 30 — has brought about “the end of the conservative death grip on religion in America,” since “it’s an open secret that the youngest generation finds the reactionary politics and hostility toward science that marks religious conservatism to be repulsive.”
But the largest generation in history — 80 million potential voters, who in 2020 will be roughly a third of the voting-age population, and already are a bigger bloc than either blacks or Hispanics (of course, there’s overlap) — might actually be the most conservative wave of young people in recent memory.
Wow, that's an interesting thesis. I would love to see the scientific data to prove that.
I have no scientific data to prove it — my hostility toward science revealed, no doubt — but if one actually bothers to challenge the well-tread assumptions, it’s nearly impossible to think otherwise.
Take their lifestyle habits, for starters. As I’ve written before, David Burstein’s research in “Fast Future: How the Millennial Generation Is Shaping Our World” is instructive. He found that millennials are taking on less debt than their predecessors and are renting, rather than buying homes they can’t afford.
You may see this as delaying adulthood, but in fact young folks deserve ample credit for learning the ills of easy money, predatory lending and government subsidies that don’t pan out. Millennials understand fiscal responsibility instinctively.
Hmmm. I suspect those millenials are aware of WHY they can't afford houses, etc., despite the fact that their parents and grandparents could. It's called wealth disparity, and they know it comes from conservative politics.
In addition, they are increasingly entrepreneurial. You could see that as the idealism of youth, but not if the world they live in rewards their ideas. When a 17-year-old sells an app to Yahoo for $30 million, it’s one of many clear signs that today’s young people have an unflinching faith in capitalism and free markets.
Yes. Well, I suspect that that one-in-a-million 17-year-old who sells an app to Yahoo for $30 million might have an unflinching faith in capitalism and free markers. The other 17 year olds? Not so much.
And by the way, being liberal does NOT mean a rejection of capitalism and free markets.
Any more wishful thinking, S.E.?
Many have suggested that the explosion of social media among millennials, where professional and personal relationships are experienced virtually, represents a rejection of community, family values and other such provincial relics of conservative culture.
Not so, in my opinion. The point of social networks like Facebook and Instagram is to maintain (and even rediscover) high school friendships, share baby albums with family a continent away, and create communities where people with the same values can gather. Likewise, Twitter is a news aggregator that acts as a hometown newspaper, condensing the global experience into a quaintly local one.
The millennial embrace of social media is, in fact, a rejection of progress. Yes, it’s an embrace of new technology, but for the purposes of desperately preserving the traditions and experiences of generations past.
True, perhaps, but the technology has allowed young people, once sheltered in the provincial mindset of where they live, to experience thoughts and ideas that previous generations were sheltered from. Gay marriage, for instance. The kids in the South don't get what the objection is to it.
Of course, social issues — most notably, gay marriage — are the coup de grâce in the liberals’ case for why today’s young people will never vote for conservatives. And they’re right, to the extent that the politics of gay marriage favors Democrats.
Oh, this should be good.
To me, the more instructive takeaway isn’t that young people think Republicans hate gays, but that young people are enthusiastically promoting marriage. Instead of trying to delegitimize the institution to create new social paradigms, millennials have chosen to champion marriage and monogamous relationships for all couples.
Well, uh….. no. People who are for gay marriage aren't trying to delegitimize ANY institution, particularly marriage. They think gay marriage IS legitimate. Millenials understand this the most. They aren't championing marriage and monogamous relationships per se; they are championing
Remember: It wasn’t that long ago that Republicans were faring quite well among young voters. In 1972, Richard Nixon won 52% of voters younger than 30. Ronald Reagan won 59% of young voters in 1984, and in 2000, Al Gore and George W. Bush virtually split the youth vote down the middle.
That was then.
While it’s possible (and maybe probable) that millennials will continue to vote Democratic, that won’t be because they are inherently liberal. Their values are quite the opposite, if you can see through the stereotypes, cliches and political adages.
But only someone as bubble-bound as S.E. Cupp can "see through" this. Ms. Cupp, it's called wishful thinking.
As Democrats grow complacent with these voters and misread their values, Republicans should take the opportunity to give them exactly what they’re asking for, even if they don’t know it yet: conservative policies that help empower their conservative lifestyles.
Yes, please. Do that. Tell young female millenials what they must do with their bodies — they'll love that. Make it harder for millenials to get a good education — they'll thank you later.
And so on.
All Ms. Cupp mentions is gay marriage, but she forgets all the other things that youth care about — jobs (which they don't have thanks to conservative policies), the environment (you think young millenials are allied with conservatives on climate change, where conservatives don't even believe in it?), immigration (xenophobia isn't working), and scores of others. Millenitals are for social justice, which means a war on poverty, not a war on poor people.