FCC Gives David Ortiz A Pass

Ken AshfordRed Sox & Other Sports, War on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment

During the nationally broadcast pre-game ceremonies last week — the one where the Boston Red Sox had their first home game following the Boston Marathon bombing — Red Sox player David Ortiz took to the microphone and spoke from the heart, uttering these words:

“This is our fucking city, and nobody’s going to dictate our freedom.”

Now remember, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals has twice found the FCC’s rules on so-called “fleeting expletives” to be a violation of the First Amendment.

So thankfully, the FCC seemed to get the message.  Normally, this sort of casual swearing would net the offending network a $1 million fine (which would then be thrown out by the court). Not this time. Instead, FCC head Julius Genachowski took to the new face of journalism — Twitter — and declared his (and his office’s) solidarity with the people of Boston.


Nicely done.