First, the Republicans in the New Hampshire Assembly get nutcases like Orly Taitz to show up and try to get Obama's name taken off the ballet because he's a secret Kenyan Muslim not born in America and he has no birth certificate (Jeez, that old song?!?). Here's Orly and NH State Rep. Harry Accornero making their casea:
And when the New Hampshire Ballot Law Commission says "no", the Republican elected officials flip out. Rep. Accornero went ballistic and stormed out while calling out to the commission: “Why don’t you rip up the Constitution and throw it out?” “You all should be accused of treason, and we’ll get people to do that,” he jeered. Shortly after, Rep. Susan DeLemus (R-Strafford) repeatedly berated Assistant Attorney General Matt Mavrogeorge.
So, there's that.
And then there's New Hampshire Speaker William O’Brien (R), who told a Tea Party crowd recently that he wants to make it more difficult for students to vote because they “vote their feelings” — i.e. vote as liberals:
A New Hampshire measure that ultimately failed earlier this year stoked Democratic concerns about the law’s true intentions. The law would have ended same-day registration and prohibited most college students from voting from their school addresses.
New Hampshire House Speaker William O’Brien, a Republican, told a tea party group thatallowing people to register and vote on Election Day led to “the kids coming out of the schools and basically doing what I did when I was a kid, which is voting as a liberal. That’s what kids do — they don’t have life experience, and they just vote their feelings.”
And so he tried to get passed some new voter ID laws (ostensibly to fight fraud, although we know the real reason).
Fortunately, New Hampshire’s voter ID bill failed to pass.