No, Sarah Palin Was NOT Booed

Ken AshfordElection 2012, Popular CultureLeave a Comment

So last night, on Dancing with the Stars, Jennifer Grey did this really good dance with the dancing partner, and then they cut to the "green room" where Jennifer was interviewed by some airhead co-host, as per show tradition.  Then Jennifer got her score — a 24 (which, as I understand it, is really good for DWTS)  – and in the background, you could hear the audience going "Booooo.  Boooooo!!!".  And Jennifer was all like, "WTF?!?"  And her dancing partner was all like "WTF?!?"  And even the airhead co-host was all like, "WTF?!?",  but she threw it back to the unctuous America's Funniest Home Videos host who was sitting next to Sarah Palin and they did a little interview because Palin's daughter, Bristol, is a contestant on the show this year.

You with me?

Okay, some have taken the fact that the audience was booing to reflect their displeasure that Sarah Palin was about to be interviewed.

Nope.  I saw it (live!) and I disagree.

First of all, I seriously doubt that the Dancing with the Stars studio audience votes on things other than Dancing with the Stars performances, so I doubt that they have political views that strongly (positively or negatively) regarding Sarah Palin.

Secondly, what they were booing was the fact that Jennifer Grey did really well, and deserved better scores.  Yes, even better than 24.

But judge for yourself:


UPDATE:  Tom Bergeron, the unctuous host, went on late night teevee last night and confirmed my theory.  So there.