You may have seen her on The Daily Show or Real Time with Bill Maher or the Sunday chat shows already. If you have, you know that Elizabeth Warren is a force to be reckoned with. She's not a ballbuster — that's not what makes her a strong force — she's just extremely smart and competent. (I had her as a bankruptcy professor at NYU when she was a visiting professor).
She's going to be an important part of your life for a while, assuming she gets appointed to be the head of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, a newly-created federal agency designed to prevent future happenings of the financial shenanigans that lead to our recent economic downfall. Well-suited for the job, you ask? Dude, the woman was born for the job.
There's a concerted effort by conservatives to paint her as dangerous and/or incompetent. But that's because she will do her job protecting consumers, and that is something that Republican backers — the high-money interests on Wall Street — don't want.
Anyway, if you don't know anything about Elizabeth Warren, the Washington Post has an excellent profile today.