Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson…. you know how it goes. Always in threes.
The problem is that it is sometimes hard to tell which deaths "count" for a morbid triad.
Fortunately, someone as appointed himself the Death Trilogy Commissioner, so we won't have to wonder anymore.
Also, in related news, someone else has appointed himself the world's leading internet evangelist and God, and informs us where Michael Jackson is now:
Pastor Bill Keller, founder of LivePrayer.com, submits the following and is available for comment:
In all of the intense media coverage after the death of pop superstar Michael Jackson, the one thing that has driven me crazy has been hearing over and over, often by high profile Christians, that Michael is now at peace in Heaven. Really? I hear this same thing whenever a famous person dies, regardless what they believed during their life, as well as from people when a family member or close friend dies, again, regardless what they believed during their life.If this is true, than what is the use of the Gospel? If this is true, why should anyone waste their time and effort telling people about Jesus? If this is true, than the death of Jesus on the cross was a meaningless exercise, his resurrection didn't need to occur, and people can believe whatever they want during this life and make it to Heaven. THAT MY FRIEND IS THE UNIVERSALISTIC LIE FROM HELL!!!The fact is God made only ONE plan of salvation. There is only ONE way to everlasting life and that is faith in Jesus Christ, the Jesus Christ of the Bible. There are NOT many roads that lead to God, only one, the Jesus road!!! You can't believe whatever you want and die and end up in Heaven. That is a lie from satan that is leading millions of souls to the flames of hell for all eternity. WHAT YOU BELIEVE DOES MATTER!!!It is arguable that Michael Jackson was the most recognized person on the planet. Despite his vast fame and material possessions, Michael was bankrupt in the things that really matter in life, joy, peace, contentment, HOPE! Those things only comes through having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and living according to God's Word.
RELATED… Oh, Michael, you're weird even in death:
Really? Diana Ross?