LG (maker of Voyager and other cell phones) has provided a web service called DTXTR (de-text-er) which translates teen txt shorthand to English, and vice versa.
That's because (according to LG), teens text an average of 1700 times per month (wow!); texting is more common than actual phone calls. (And 42% of teens report that they can txt with their eyes closed!)
As a result, a whole new shorthand lingo has developed. And we old farts (parents) need to keep up apparently.
Look for example, at LG's glossary of txt terms — this is for acronyms beginning with Y only.
Y | Why? |
YA | Yet Another |
YABA | Yet Another Bloody Acronym |
YACC | Yet Another Calendar Company |
YAFIYGI | You Asked For It You Got It |
YAOTM | Yet Another Off Topic Message |
YAUN | Yet Another Unix Nerd |
YBS | You'll Be Sorry |
YBY | Yeah Baby Yeah |
YCT | Your Comment To |
YDKM | You Don't Know Me |
YEPPIES | Young Experimenting Perfection Seekers |
YGBK | You Gotta Be Kidding |
YGLT | You're Gonna Love This |
YGTBK | You've Got To Be Kidding |
YGWYPF | You Get What You Pay For |
YHM | You Have Mail |
YIC | Yours In Christ |
YIU | Yes, I Understand |
YIWGP | Yes, I Will Go Private |
YKW | You Know What |
YKWIM | You Know What I Mean |
YM | Your Mother |
YMAK | You May Already Know |
YMMV | Your Mileage May Vary |
YNK | You Never Know |
YOYO | You're On Your Own |
YR | Yeah Right |
YRYOCC | You're Running on Your Own Cookoo Clock |
YS | You Stinker |
YSAN | You're Such A Nerd |
YSIC | Why Should I Care? |
YSK | You Should Know |
YSYD | Yeah, Sure You Do |
YTB | You're The Best |
YTRNW | Yeah That's Right, Now What? |
YTTT | You Telling The Truth |
YUPPIES | Young Urban Professionals |
YW | You're Welcome |
YWIA | You're Welcome In Advance |
YY4U | Too Wise For You |
YYSSW | Yeah Yeah Sure Sure Whatever |
As for me, I'll pass, thank you.