Renee Montagne, Steve Inskeep, Corey Flintoff, Korva Coleman, Dina Temple-Raston, Nina Totenberg, Renita Jablonski, David Kestenbaum, Cherry Glaser, Sylvia Poggioli…..
What do these names have in common?
They're all names of NPR personalities AND (as names go) they're all pretty unreal.
Did you ever notice that… i.e., that the people on NPR have pretty cool names?
Oh, sure – there's an occasional Ira Glass, Terry Gross, Robert Siegel or Michele Norris wandering the NPR airwaves.
But when they kick it over to Kai Ryssdal or Lakshmi Singh, isn't there a little part of you that is kind of envious of the kickass names?
Well, blogger Liana Maeby and her boyfriend Eric did. And they decided to come up with some simple rules so that you can have your own special NPR name.
It's quite simple. You take your middle initial and insert it somewhere into your first name. Then you add on the smallest foreign town you’ve ever visited. (This method offers you a little flexibilty, so have fun with it).
NPR's blog Monkey See caught wind of the three day old fad, and asked readers to submit their NPR names.
If you're a reader of this blog, I'd like to hear yours.
This is Morning Edition and I'm Kern Faro.
[NOTE: I don't know if Faro is the smallest foreign town I've ever visited. In fact, I'm sure it's not. But I couldn't think of a smaller one. Well, that's not true. I visited the village of Ashford (in England), but…..]