Utah High School Drama Department Puts On SMUT!!!

Ken AshfordSex/Morality/Family Values1 Comment

Think of the children!  How can we allow our public high schools to put on such raunchy musicals like…… Brigadoon?

Actual letter to the editor:

Dear Editor,

We saw the high school play “Brigadoon” on Saturday.

It was impressive to see all the effort that goes into such a production – it was evident that there was a lot of hard work, from costuming and creating props to memorizing lines and rehearsing music.

With all that effort, it was a great disappointment to discover that the play was not worth seeing. Although there were many fine actors and great music, there was lewd content in this “family entertainment” that prevents us from bringing our children to see it, or from recommending it to others. With out suggestive movements, let alone songs, it could have been so much cleaner and more appropriate. We were saddened that such attitudes and actions would be encouraged among our youth in this way.

Ben and Julie Flake


Below is an excerpt from an old high school production of "Brigadoon" starring a then-unknown Kelly Clarkson.

I've blurred it so that you won't be offended, but it's still probably NSFW.