Short Takes

Ken AshfordRandom MusingsLeave a Comment

(1)  Kudos to Bristol Palin for being realistic about abstinence-only education.  (And she oughta know).

(2)  Really?  A book which re-tells the story of Bambi…. from the hunter's point of view?  Really?

(3)  Michelle Bachmann really is scary-stupid.

(4)  Not surprisingly, Republican governors support Obama's stimulus package.  Governor Sanford of South Carolina doesn't, though.  But Paul Begala has an idea for Sanford.

(5)  Aaron Sorkin fans: If you haven't seen Sports Night, Sorkin's first foray into television, do yourself a favor and buy the complete series DVD while it is 15% off at Amazon.  It is some of his best writing.

(6)  Looks like another Madoff-type scandal.

(7)  I don't know when it happened, but Jump the Shark really jumped the shark.  Probably when it was bought by TV Guide.