Yes, it’s possible:
Peanut butter is being turned into diamonds by scientists with a technique that harnesses pressures higher than those found at the centre of the earth.
Edinburgh University experts say the feat is made possible by squeezing the paste between the tips of two diamonds creating a "stiletto heel effect".
The scientists also revealed they can turn oxygen into red crystals using the same method.
Demonstrations take place at Royal Society exhibition shows from 2 July.
Professor Malcolm McMahon, based at the Centre for Science and Extreme Conditions at Edinburgh University, is one of the scientists involved.
He added: "Obviously large gem-quality diamonds would be extremely expensive, so we are looking at ways to make them artificially.
"Many carbon containing materials can be converted into diamond including peanut butter."
There’s a joke to be made here, but I can’t seem to get the bat off my shoulder…..