Yesterday, ultra-familyvalues-conservomaton Senator Vitter (R-LA) stressed that God and his wife had forgiven him for his indiscretions when it was revealed that he was on the call list for the "D.C. Madame".
Today, the Times-Picayune reveals something more:
U.S. Senator David Vitter visited a Canal Street brothel several times beginning in the mid-1990s, paying $300 per hour for services at the bordello after he met the madam at a fishing rodeo that included prostitutes and other politicians, according to Jeanette Maier, the "Canal Street Madam" whose operation was shut down by a federal investigators in 2001.
After they met, Maier said Vitter became a customer at the Mid-City brothel. He made several visits, she said, but had stopped coming before federal agents raided the brothel.
My question is this: What the *#%@#^ is a "fishing rodeo"?