How Low Can You Go?

Ken AshfordBush & Co.Leave a Comment


Gallup has Bush at his lowest ever:

President Bush’s job approval rating — now at 29% — has fallen to the lowest point of his administration and is within seven percentage points of the lowest job approval rating in Gallup Poll history. Bush’s job ratings have dropped 61 percentage points since the all time high point of 90% in September 2001.

Take solace, Mr. President.  Truman once had an approval rating of 22%.

What’s more, Bush’s disapproval ratings are 66%.   Sixty-six percent.  That’s what Nixon polled at — the week before he resigned in disgrace.  And that’s only 1% away from the record of 67% (held by Truman).

More findings: 62 percent of people say it was a mistake to go into Iraq, 60 percent say the economy is getting worse, and only 68 percent of Republicans approve of Bush, thanks largely to the immigration fight.

Furthermore, 36% approve of impeachment for Bush — not a huge number, but far higher than any impeachment poll for Clinton (who actually was impeached).