Fixed the aspect ratio problem (still a little off but whatever), fixed the sound problem….
But the file was too big too upload to Youtube or VideoEgg. Had to break it up and lower the quality a tad…..
And then Youtube went down for maintenance….
And then it took FOREVER to upload to VideoEgg…
But here it is, such as it is…. [NOTE: For a Full Monty overload, play all five at the same time!]
By the way, we had a piano accompianment only for these promo shots. The actual show has a hot band, and (unlike these videos) kickass sound.
Part One: "Man" Teaser and "You Rule My World" Excerpt
Things to look for:
- Neil’s growling "yeah"
- Well, Emily and Heather, natch
Part Two: "Life With Harold" Teaser and "Scrap" Excerpt
Things to look for:
- Jamie told me to put my finger to my lip, so I did
- Neil’s very nice extension of "that’s importaaaaaant – yeah"
- The black power salute at the end, added at the last moment because the other gesture we do is too risque for morning TV (it’s really not, but they said it was)
Part Three: Teaser and "Woman’s World" Excerpt
Things to look for:
- Emily changing "pissed" to "mad" (again, for the morning TV audience)
- Yunique bringing it despite the fact that it’s 7:15 (Hey! She said "butt"!)
- What is the weatherwoman saying at the end? They play with G-strings in the makeup room of the Fox 8 morning show?!? TMI, dear.
Part Four: Strip Act Performed By A Perhaps Mentally-Challenged and/or Drunk Man Teaser, "Let It Go" Excerpt, and Slightly Disturbing Molestation of Ralph by Fox 8 Weatherwoman
Things to look for:
- For those of you not familiar with the show, I’m supposed to strip badly (and actually, I’m not the one who does that anyway)
- "Why did you stop ’em?" asks Cindy, the anchorwoman. Um, because your producer didn’t want the guys to go too far?
- The chyron: "Studies show that humans walking on two legs use only one-quarter the energy of chimps walking on all fours" — not sure that’s the best thing to have there while the guys are stripping (although I realize it wasn’t planned that way)
- The men’s calander magazine pose
- The weatherwoman treating Ralph like he’s Buddah or something
Part Five: "Michael Jordan’s Ball" Teaser and "Breeze Off The River" Excerpt
- Neil was on his game all morning; sit back and enjoy
- Nice of Jake to show up only to be unseen under those covers