If you are going to commit heinous crimes, don’t present yourself as a freak on MySpace:
He calls himself "Jack" and considers himself a "Sweet Troubled Soul" on his MySpace page. His interests include "eating small children and harming small animals."
Oooooh. I want to be his MySpace friend, don’t you????
The page appears to belong to Edwin R. Hall, the man accused of kidnapping 18-year-old Kelsey Smith and killing her, lending disturbing significance to the bizarre claims in light of the charges against him.
The Johnson County District Attorney’s office said Friday that Smith was strangled with a ligature, though spokesman Brian Burgess would not say exactly what was used.
Hall was charged Thursday with first-degree murder in Smith’s death and aggravated kidnapping for her abduction Saturday from a Target store parking lot. His bond was set at $5 million.
I think someone could make a pretty good living just surfing MySpace pages looking for the potential killers.