
Ken AshfordPersonalLeave a Comment

My Heritage face recognition/celebrity matchup site has been updated with more celebrities, and (perhaps) a better face recognition algorithm (you also have to register). 

They also have a nice way to transfer the results to your website or blog (as you can see).

I wrote about this site almost a year ago

Back then, it informed me that I most resembled an actor named Paul Walker, who I never heard of.

Running the same photo (the one on this website’s banner), I get different results than before. 

Anyway, if you’re interested in finding out about your celebrity look-alike, go here.

UPDATE:  Against my better judgment, I’m adding this to my sidebar at the left — until I get depressed and/or tired of looking at it and/or I can find a better picture of me to run through the My heritage matrix.

Does such a picture exist?
