Oh, someone is liveblogging it! (UPDATE: Another bee blog here)
(You can also get updates of the results of each round here).
UPDATE: Come on, Joshua! The local boy is still in it, having correctly spelled "hybrid" in Round Two (not very tough, I admit) and "chattel" in Round Three.
It should be noted that two Italian food-related words — "ricotta" and "minestrone" — knocked out 2 of the 6 North Carolina kids in Round Three. I’m not sure what significance to read into that…
UPDATE (4:30 pm): Looks like Round Four has begun, with 94 still in the competition, and the words are a lot harder. Several casualties already.
UPDATE (5:45 pm): Winston-Salem’s Joshua Wright made it through Round Four, correctly spelling "unguiculate" (a medical term meaning "having claws or nails"), so he’ll be in the televised rounds tomorrow. Otherwise, Round Four is turning out to be a bloodbath.