They’re filming the George Clooney movie "Leatherheads" in front of my office building this morning. This is pretty common for L.A. and New York, but it doesn’t happen very much in Winston-Salem.
Clooney wrote the movie — he’s also starring in it, and he’s directing it. It’s a movie having to do with football in the 1920’s, and that’s about all I know. Renee Zellweger, Jonathan Pryce, and Stephen Root are in it, too.
Lots of old-timey cars parked on the street, and there are about 10 people on the sidewalk below my window dressed in 1920’s winter outfits. Then, of course, there’s the crew, lights, reflectors, etc.
The company sent out an announcement telling us to come in and out of a different entrance at certain times today. And the announcement ended with this:
"And . . . no, ladies . . . sadly, George WILL NOT be here for the shoot . . . so no need to to try for a sneak peek!
This last sentence apparently did not "take" with many of my fellow female (and gay) employees, and since I have one of the two offices that look right down over the film shoot, I don’t expect to get much work done this morning.
Had a chance to audition for this movie, thanks to the heads-up from Rebecca. Now I’m wondering why I didn’t. Oh, yeah, It’s extra work. Hurry up and wait. Yawn.
Anyway, for local readers, here’s their rest of their intended film schedule: