Monica Goodling, a 33-year-old graduate of Pat Robertson’s Regent University with six months of prosecutorial experience — the woman who helped purge prosecutors who failed to be partisan enough — the woman who refused to hire attorneys because they were "too liberal" (a violation of federal law) — is testifying today.
She’s weaseled her way to receiving immunity, so one wonders whether or not, and to what extent, she’ll implicate the White House (Karl Rove, Harriet Miers, etc). I don’t hold out much hope. [UPDATE: Kevin Drum notes that she is expected to be "forthcoming" today]
Firedoglake, once again, outdoes the mainstream media with its liveblogging coverage.
UPDATE: Well, so far she’s merely suggesting White House involvement, but it’s early in the day.
One observer’s so far: "There seem to be two narratives going on in Goodling’s testimony. The first is that she was a nobody with little power who may have inadvertently overstepped her authority occasionally. The second narrative line intrudes into the other from time to time. In this one (call it the Type A narrative), Goodling has the power to make and break people, a power that she repeatedly exercises."