Time Magazine has come out with its list of the Top 100 Most Inflluential People In The World. This is broken down into several categories (Top Political Leaders, Top Entertainers, etc.).
And here’s the list of the "Most Influential Leaders and Revolutionaries":
• King Abdullah, Saudi Arabia
• Peter Akinola, archbishiop, Nigeria
• Mohamed Omar Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir, president, Sudan
• Osama bin Laden
• Michael Bloomberg, mayor, New York City
• Raul Castro, acting president, Cuba
• Hillary Clinton, U.S. senator from New York
• Queen Elizabeth II, United Kingdom
• Sonia Gandhi, chair, Indian National Congress Party
• Hu Jintao, president, China
• Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader, Iran
• Liu Qi, chief, Beijing Olympic Committee
• Tzipi Livni, foreign minister, Israel
• Angela Merkel, chancellor, Germany
• Barack Obama, U.S. senator from Illinois
• Nancy Pelosi, speaker, U.S. House of Representatives
• David Petraeus, commanding general, U.S. Army
• Pope Benedict XVI
• Condoleezza Rice, U.S. secretary of state
• John Roberts, chief justice, U.S. Supreme Court
• Arnold Schwarzenegger, governor, California
Notice anyone missing?
RELATED: Bush has a new nickname for himself. He’s no longer "The Decider". Dawning a new mask and cape, Dubya has dubbed himself "The Commander Guy".
Sounds like a recurring SNL character.