Well, the run is over, and the show was a surprising success. Trailer trash comedies really pack ’em in down here. Saturday night sold out (we turned people away), and even the Sunday matinee had a hefty 160-plus.
The play itself is (IMHO) not as entertaining as Del Shores’ "Sordid Lives", and my contrubitions to this particular production were not as good as I hoped. Flubbed lines, early entrances, and on-stage bleeding (from a glass cup that was supposed to break, and eventually did …into my finger) seemed to plague me, although it’s probably not as bad as I make it out to be.
Not sure what, if anything, is next on the slate for me. My "home" theatre company is doing "Hair" next — I’m probably not right for anything in that. The Gallery Players in Burlington is doing "The Importance Of Being Earnest" soon — that’s a possibility. But I may want to do something more local — maybe "Guys & Dolls" in K’ville.
The CTG/LTWS production of "The Full Monty" is in the summer — I’m probably not right for that either (except possibly chorus) and the early buzz is there will be lots of competition for good roles.
Hmmmm. Maybe it’s time to do some backstage work for a while….