I find it interesting that, in today’s maniacal media world, conservatives are taken to task for every syllable they utter, but liberals are given a pass.
A GOP gaffe will be replayed ad nauseam on news broadcasts, news magazine programs, and comedy shows. Then, it may get a second round of play on liberal talk radio and ripped-from-the-headlines TV dramas.
But when a liberal makes a rhetorical blunder, he or she is excused because, after all, he or she really didn’t mean to say it. The guilty party is too erudite or too compassionate for the remark to be taken at face-value.
Sen. John Kerry is the latest case in point.
Yeah, John Kerry was given a pass by tyhe liberal media. That’s why you never heard about it . . . because it wasn’t discussed as nauseum on CNN, MSNBC, Fox….