They make me feel so guilty.
They KNOW it makes me feel guity.
They USE that knowledge to make me feel MORE guilty.
They READ MY MIND ("We know you keep meaning to pledge, but you simply haven’t had a chance. So right now — while you’re thinking of it — while you’re listening — why don’t you pick up the phone and give $10, $20, or whatever you can afford?")
And I STILL don’t pledge.
And they KNOW I don’t, so they make me feel guilty.
I understand that they have to do what they have to do. And I don’t doubt there sincerity or their need. But still, I hate NPR Pledge Week.
UPDATE: "Liberal Girl" in the comments makes me feel more guilty now. She’s right, of course. The way to NOT feel guilty is to write that check. I intend to. I always intend to.