Baghdad Power

Ken AshfordIraqLeave a Comment

Bush in July:

"[I]ncreasing electricity in Baghdad is not the kind of thing that tends to get on the news."

And Denny Hastert returned from a trip to iraq in June, gushing over "so many lights shining brightly".

That’s right.  When faced with bad news constantly coming out of Iraq, all Bush &Co could come with in terms of good news was how electricity is coming back in Baghdad.

Guess what?  Turns out that that success story isn’t succesful.  The Brookings Institute says so.


Electricity levels in Baghdad are at an all-time low. Residents of Baghdad are receiving just 2.4 hours of electricity this month, compared to an average of 16-24 hours of electricity before the U.S. invasion. The lowest level prior to this month was 3.9 hours/day.