Rich Lowry in Townhall:
[T]he American public is not yet ready to quit. A CNN poll in August found that 69 percent of Americans oppose withdrawing American troops by the end of the year…
The CNN poll that Lowry refers to:
"Do you think the U.S. should withdraw SOME troops from Iraq by the end of the year, or do you think the U.S. should keep the SAME NUMBER of troops in Iraq through the end of the year?" If "Withdraw": "Do you think the U.S. should withdraw ALL troops from Iraq by the end of the year, or do you think the U.S. should keep SOME troops in Iraq through the end of the year?"
Withdraw all 26%
Withdraw some 35%
Keep the same 34%
Don’t Know/Unsure 5%
If Lowry can look at that data, and conclude that "69 percent of Americans oppose withdrawing American troops by the end of the year", then he’s either a liar or delusional.
Based on Lowry’s history (see cover story in the graphic at right), I’m betting on "delusional".