Jesus Camp

Ken AshfordGodstuffLeave a Comment

This documentary-for-theatrical-release is creating a lot of buzz.  The trailer looks interesting, if not disturbing.

RELATED:  A rather scary website: The Christian Guide To Small Arms, which includes such gems as:

The most useful arm to the Christian warrior is probably the rifle or the carbine. A rifle is a long arm with a rifled (grooved) barrel chambered for a full power cartridge, and intended to be fired from the shoulder. A carbine is simply a more compact version of the rifle, most often with a shorter barrel and chambered for an intermediate power cartridge.


The most probable scenario that the Christian American, called to fight for God, family, and country, will be presented with is that of the guerrilla resistance. He will be facing an enemy occupational force that will have great superiority in materiel and organization. Outside sources of supply and instruction will not be likely. The wisest course in this situation is to choose weapons and tactics that minimize supply, training, and maintenance problems.
