We were all supposed to die yesterday. Did you know that?
Here’s a list of gloom-and-doom articles from the right-wing press, foretelling that August 22 was the day in which Iran would wreak nuclear kick-ass on all us Westerners (or, at least, Israelis).
Wall Street Journal: August 22
World News Daily: Iran Cataclysm Forecast Aug. 22
FrontPageMag: Iran’s Day of Terror?
Free Republic: Why Aug 22? Iran Planning To Make A Bigger Splash?
NewsMax: Iran Hints at Aug. 22 Doomsday For Israel
Glenn Beck on CNN (video): Iran v. America
Didn’t happen, of course.
It seems to me that one goal of terrorism is to create terror. Therefore, I truly believe that these conservative pants-wetters only aid and abet the enemy when they scream (needlessly) that the sky is about to fall. They’re doing the work of bin Laden.