New Words Added To Dictionary

Ken AshfordPopular Culture1 Comment

The English language is always evolving, and I dig the English language (in fact, I use it all the time).

So that’s why I’m always interested in seeing what new words have made it into the dictionary.

A century ago, in 1806, these "new words" (among others) were added to Webster’s Dictionary:

Americanize verb: to render American
caddy noun: a small box for tea
checkers noun pl.: a game
chore noun: a small job, domestic work
demoralize verb: to corrupt, undermine or destroy moral principles
emphasize verb: to pronounce with a stress of voice
energize verb: to give strength or vigor
flytrap noun: a trap to catch flies
hydrant noun: a pipe to conduct and deliver water
immigrant noun: one who removes into a country
inapproachable adjective: not to be approached
inexact adjective: not exact or precise
insubordination noun: disobedience or want of submission to authority
leanto noun: the part of a building that appears to lean upon another
notice verb: to see, regard, observe, attend
orthoepy noun: the art of just pronunciation
penmanship noun: the act, art, or use of writing
pry verb: to look into with close inspection, to raise with a lever
publicity noun: a public state, notoriety
sectarian adjective: pertaining to a sect
skittles noun: a game like ninepins
slang noun: vulgar language, cant phrases [low]
slat noun: a thin piece of timber connecting larger ones
slatternly adjective: negligent in dress, sluttish
snowshoe noun: a light frame to walk with on snow
spry adjective: nimble, brisk, quick in action
surf noun: waves or swell of the sea breaking on shore
velveteen noun: a cloth made of cotten and linen

What "new words" have been added to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary this year?  Here’s a small sample:

Technology and Computers

Pop Culture

Entertainment and Leisure

The Human Condition


Business and Industry

And another new one which I’m sure you already use: to google

What words would you add?  (And kids, "bling" was made a word three years ago…)