Oh, That Liberal Media…

Ken AshfordRight Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

From The Corner:

[T]he Big Three networks just aired three and a half hours of morning and evening news coverage in just three weeks of the Haditha “Marine massacre” allegations.   But they have next to no interest in digging through the Saddam archives, just as they had next to no interest in digging through Soviet archives or East German archives. Everyone should realize that the major media has a bad case of partisan tunnel vision, and not be intimidated out of building a historical record for future generations to understand.

Wait a second.  Even the Bush Administration now concedes there were no WMD.   Why should the media be digging through the Saddam archives to find evidence of a position held by virtually nobody in the military and intelligence community (who already looked through this stuff)?  And why is it "partisan" for the media to devote its attention to, you know, current events?