Gay Bashers Going Off The Deep End

Ken AshfordLocal Interest, Sex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

His Unholy Shrillness, James Dobson:

Cos as you all very well know marriage is under vicious attack, now I think from the forces of hell itself. Now it’s either going to continue to decline, and as I told you in my office a few minutes ago, I believe with that destruction of marriage will come the decline of western civilization itself.


We’re really in a crisis point, right now, right now… Where the family is either going to survive or it’s going to fall apart and it will happen in the next few years.

Speaking of shrill gay-bashers, our local Congressman Vernon Robinson is in an election against Democrat Brad Miller.  Vernon, for those who don’t know, has a history of insuating that his political opponents are gay.  He’s run an infamous ad on the radio that said “If Miller had his way…America would be nothing but one big fiesta for illegal aliens and homosexuals.”  Now he’s making gay insinuations about Miller:

…Soon after winning the GOP primary in the 13th District in May, Robinson mailed literature to more than 400,000 households portraying Miller’s voting record and personal life as being out of the mainstream.

Among many other things, the literature calls Miller a “childless, middle-aged personal injury lawyer.”

There’s a reason why Miller is "childless":

“I think that should not be part of what you agree to take on if you want to be involved in politics — that kind of personal attack without any basis,” Miller said.

Miller said his wife of nearly 25 years, Esther Hall, could not bear children because she had endometriosis and then a hysterectomy at age 27 before the couple were married.