Bubba’s World

Ken AshfordSex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

S. Carolina legislature considering a bill to make sale of sex toys a felony.

I can’t get my head wrapped around this one.  Talk about a victimless crime.  Look, even if you are a member of the "moral" "majority", is this an issue that really needs addressing?  You’ve got gay marriages, prostitution, etc.  — so much to choose from.  What exactly is the societal harm in sex toys?

Note that the proposed law doesn’t make it a crime to possess sex toys — only to sell them.

Fortunately, the bill was drafted by a lone state legislator, Representative "I-Have-Nothing-Better-To-Do-Than-Obsess-Over-Other-Peoples’-Sex-Lives" Davenport.  He wasn’t even able to find a willing co-sponsor for the bill.