I don’t know why, but I always like reading the blogs of criminals.
James Keown was a radio talk show host in Missouri. As the Boston Globe reports:
James P. Keown talked regularly about killings and court cases. Every Tuesday, the radio talk show host would interview the local prosecutor about mid-Missouri’s most high profile crimes.
But he was arrested Monday (during a commercial break in his radio show — awwwwkward!) and extradicted to Massachusetts. Why? According to prosecutors, he murdered his wife last year. She slipped into a coma and died. Prosecutors now believe her death was caused by anti-freeze that got into her Gatorade. (The actual spiking of the Gatorade took place over a period of eight months).
Anyway, James Keown had a blog, which Blogger has removed. Fortunately, it is available on Google cache. A telling post (in light of what happened) from last Thursday:
More Murder Mystery Pics!
Yes, more evidence from this week’s Murder Mystery Dinner Party (see ‘Guys and Dolls’ post below). What a fun night. If you have never participated in one of these parties, I highly recommend doing so. We’re talking about doing one based around a high school class reunion and one that is a backyard barbecue mystery. Monica – the one with the classic black-hair starlet wig – took most of these shots. Enjoy!!
Looks like the murder mystery has been solved, James.