Election Night 2005

Ken AshfordElection 2006, Sex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

First of all, am I prescient or what?

Second of all, what The Talent Show says:

This is a really weird election night. I’ve got this strange feeling that I can’t put my finger on. It’s not like envy, or even hungry. It sort of like funny, that’s not it because I never feel that way on election nights. For lack of a better term, let’s call it "happiness".

Third of all, count me among those who say the results overall show bad news for Bush, as well as Republicans in 2006.

Fourth of all, Fox News needs to grow up.

Fifth of all, the only serious dark spot in the landscape of elections last night was in Texas, where they passed a ban on same-sex marriage. ("And me with a warehouse full of white leather chaps…" bemoans Tbogg).  I guess that the threat to heterosexual marriage in Texas has been neutralized.  Unlike the gay-marriage anti-family state Massachusetts.

What’s that you say?

The state with the lowest divorce rate in the nation is Massachusetts. At latest count it had a divorce rate of 2.4 per 1,000 population, while the rate for Texas was 4.1.


UPDATE:  On the other hand, yea Maine for not being bigots!!  The right wing haters lost by a 10 point margin of 55%- 45%:

"After 28 years, it’s over, you guys. We won," Pat Peard, a longtime champion of gay rights, told supporters in Portland at 11 p.m. She was referring to the initial introduction of a gay rights bill in the Legislature in the 1970s, launching a struggle that has continued ever since.

The vote reversed a trend that dates back to 1998, when voters narrowly rejected a gay rights law in a special election. Voters again opposed a gay rights law in a follow-up referendum two years later.

Tuesday’s referendum was held because opponents of the law used the so-called "people’s veto" provision in the state Constitution to give voters a chance to repeal the law.