Quality Education for All Democrats are committed to providing a quality education to all Americans because we recognize that education has always been the cornerstone of equal opportunity. Democrats will keep our promise to our children by increasing support for pre-school education, fully funding No Child Left Behind and improving its implementation. We are committed to providing safe and reliable transportation for our rural school children and meeting the Federal commitment to children with disabilities. Democrats will also address the shortfall of math, science and special education teachers by creating tuition incentives for college students to major in those fields. We will help expand educational opportunities for college by providing relief from skyrocketing college tuition, increasing the size and access to Pell Grants and supporting proven programs that encourage more young people to attend and succeed in college.\
Democratic Idea No. 1: Standing With Our Troops
Democratic Idea No. 2: Targeting The Terrorists More Effectively
Democratic Idea No. 3: Fulfilling Our Duty to America’s Veterans
Democratic Idea No. 4: Expanding Economic Opportunity