For Easter . . .

Ken AshfordRandom MusingsLeave a Comment

Peeps A bunch of Peeps links . . . and some info courtesy of the Washington Post:

  • In the past three years, Peeps consumption has surged by more than 100 million a year; Americans eat an average of 2.3 Peeps apiece each spring.
  • Certainly Peeps are eaten in a variety of ways: fresh, stale, warm, microwaved, frozen, fricasseed, roasted and sometimes even as a pizza topping, says [Peeps spokes woman Milena] DeLuca. Many fans say Peeps are tastiest after they have hardened for two to three weeks. Others find them most satisfying when they bite their heads off first.
  • The newest Peeps craze is Peeps jousting, according to DeLuca. To see two Peeps joust, insert a toothpick into the chest of each, place them 1-1/2 toothpicks apart in a microwave, and nuke them for no more than 10 seconds

AND, as an added bonus, The Catholic Herald gives us the low-down on those annual nagging Easter questions:

What about the Easter bunny? The actual word Easter is derived from the word Eoster (also spelled Eastre), the name of the Teutonic goddess of the rising light of day and Spring, and the annual sacrifices associated with her. (Keep in mind that while the Romance languages used the root word for Passover to denote "Easter," as mentioned previously, the German and English languages "baptized" the word Eoster.) Spring is a season of fertility, life, and abundance. In Teutonic mythology, Eoster’s pet bird laid eggs in baskets and hid them. On a whim, Eoster transformed her pet bird into a rabbit, who continued to lay eggs. 

In other words, the religious leaders of the day "borrowed" (i.e., stole) secular traditions and incorporated them into religious celebration, making the whole religious thing more palatable to the heathen masses.  Like the Christmas tree, which obviously had nothing to do with Christ’s birth (a lot of fir trees in Bethlehem, were there?). 

Hey, I have no problem with P.R. and making religion more accessible to the masses.  I just think people oughta know the truth, is all.