The United Church of Christ gets it. Kudos to them.
And Billie Miller, a woman in Ridgecrest, California , lost her religion a couple of weeks ago:
I can’t believe the vicious slander of some people who have the nerve to portray or suggest Jesus behaved as a Liberal. Jesus makes his position very clear. The wisdom of an "eye for an eye" would never occur to a Liberal.
Liberals are always talking about peace at any price, when Jesus said: Do not think I have come to bring peace, but a sword.
Liberals hate people who have managed to raise their station in life, and instead insist on giving money away to the irresponsible: Store yourselves treasures for Heaven for where your treasure is, there your heart is also.
but thankfully, she seems to have gotten her religion back:
Jesus was tolerant and loved everyone – especially the poor and outcasts. As a couple of other letters pointed out, I now see that in some ways Jesus Himself was not very like a modern conservative and that has me thinking. I also see that all who are religious have equal rights and no religion can be held above the others, whether in school or anywhere else.
Somebody say "amen".