A $6 billion golf community under construction in Dubai is removing his name from the project. Trump was tossed from a respected business network in Scotland, where the billionaire says he invested more than $300 million in golf courses and other developments. And Lifestyle, a retailer that does business in an enormous marketplace spanning the Middle East, India and Africa, … Read More
Fox News Moron Doubles Down With Dr. Carson: Stupid Jews Could Have Taken The Nazis
Yes, the European Jews were just a bunch of pants-wetting pansies back in the thirties: Dr. Ben Carson recently asserted that if guns had not been confiscated from Jews then Hitler would have had more trouble orchestrating the Holocaust. Jonathan Greenblatt, National Director of the Anti-Defamation Leauge, quickly objected, stating that there were few firearms available to Jews in Germany … Read More
Megan McArdle Should Stop Thinking… And Writing
Daily Beast columnist Megan McArdle has figured it out. The mass shooting problem. We don’t have to debate it anymore. In a long screed at the Daily Beast entitled “There’s Little We Can Do to Prevent Another Massacre”, McArdle goes through all the proposals out there — banning certain guns, taxing or banning ammunition, greater checks on the mentally ill, etc. … Read More
Incredible This Woman Was A Senator And Presidential Candidate
Oh, Michele Bachmann, you are so missed. Check out this wonderful Tweet: US turns its back on Israel, disasters following http://t.co/1hYq8GAP7j — Michele Bachmann (@MicheleBachmann) October 4, 2015 That’s right. God is mad at us because we turned our back (somehow) on Israel. That’s why he chose to flood a red state. Or something. I guess.
Chart Of The Day
Grammerly is an app that, well, judges and fixes your grammer (in, say, Word documents). The folks at Grammerly went to 2016 Presidential candidates’ Facebook page, taking comments that were at least 15 words long and expressed either positive or neutral feelings about the candidate. Then, the app selected at least 180 of those comments to analyze for each candidate. Which … Read More
Shorter Ramesh Ponnuru
Shorter Ramesh Ponnuru (ex-convict at National Review Online): “Okay, I admit that the alarming amount of guns is responsible for all these mass shootings. Why can’t the left admit that dead American kids are a small price to pay for the civil liberties of gun owners?”
The Right Wing Welcomes The Pope
The Pope’s message:: In his strongest remarks yet concerning the world’s economic and financial crises, the pope said, “Money has to serve, not to rule. “We have created new idols,” Pope Francis told a group of diplomats gathered at the Vatican on May 16, and the “golden calf of old has found a new and heartless image in the cult … Read More
What If They Overthrew Texas And Nobody Came?
Hey! Remember Jade Helm 15? The U.S. Military operation this past summer that was supposed to overthrow the state of Texas and was somehow supposed to keep Obama in office for a third term that 1/3 of all Republicans and 1/2 of all Tea Party members believed to be an actual thing? Yeah… good times.
Why Ben Shapiro Is An Ass (And Peggy Noonan Is A Liar)
This is so unbelievably bizarre. Esquire even calls it “the dumbest response to the Virginia TV shooting”. Shaprio (and Breitbart.com, which posted this — Shapiro is the Editor) argues this: After the Charleston shootings, he says, the “entire political and media establishment” blamed the Confederate flag. So if they were consistent, he goes on, then we should blame Black Lives Matter … Read More
An Observation
Isn’t it amusing that conservatives claim to love America, but want to wave the Confederate flag which was used by several states in its war against America? Isn’t it amusing how conservatives claim to love the Constitution, but when it is explained to them what it says, they want to change it?
Good Television Night For Political Comedy
At 11:00 pm EDT, we say goodbye to Jon Stewart. End of an era really. The Will Rogers of the modern era. There are and will be others in the political comedy arena, but none as astute as Stewart. I won’t indulge in a Stewart retrospective. Others are doing that, and much better than I could. I’ll just showcase two … Read More
I Venture In The Loony Bin So You Don’t Have To
This Jade Helm thing that I wrote about a couple of months ago is still going strong. For those of you still unfamiliar with “Jade Helm 15”, it is the name of a US military operation, or a series of operations actually, that is taking place throughout the Southwest, and a little bit of the South. Nothing new about that … Read More
What Digby Says: Ann Counter
A good article in Slate notes the fall of Ann Coulter and postulates why: [New York magazine’s Anne] Lowrey thinks Coulter is pretty much an act that’s gone sour in the age of polarization and she may be right. She compares her to Donald Trump (who Coulter extols for his “immigrants are rapists” comments, which she believes he got from … Read More
Charlestown Shooter Was A Product Of The Left Wing: Fox News
Wow, this spin is laughable. Fox News guest Kevin Jackson said today that Dylann Roof — who was photographed sporting white supremacist flags and badges and whose alleged manifesto cited the white nationalist group the Council of Conservative Citizens before killing nine black parishioners in a Charleston, South Carolina church — was clearly “a product of the left” and that his killing spree “absolutely … Read More
Fox Drops Palin
Fox News has decided not to renew the contract of former vice presidential nominee and Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R), according to Politico The reason? Because Fox “executives consider her less relevant now, and her appearances were sometimes hampered by the vast time difference with Alaska” But mostly the first reason, I imagine.