Katrina Fashion Sense

Ken AshfordDisastersLeave a Comment

Winning the award for the most awkward and self-conscious article, I present this from the New York Sun.  It seems that the spector of thousands and thousands of dead bloated bodies is going to harsh the hype of the upcoming Big Apple Fashion Week.

After the chaos on the Gulf Coast, it’s time for order in the world: modesty, linear shapes, and direct, womanly style. Up until last week, this fall could have been dominated by any number of the looks featured in the fall fashion magazines. But something has to guide your hand when you put together outfits or shop for new pieces. Something in the zeitgeist leads us to certain styles and away from others.

After a second look through the magazines this weekend, I found that what seems right for the moment are the black suits, classic silhouettes, and buttoned-up style. If not for the news, this look might have seemed too severe or too much of a contrast from summer’s flowing skirts and bright colors. But now, out of all the various looks that designers produced and editors selected, sobriety feels right.

Black suits, buttoned-up style.  Good to know.