
Ken AshfordCongress, Crime, RepublicansLeave a Comment

There’s no doubt in my mind that the GOP’s new fundraising letter is designed to confuse members of the public, particularly the elderly.  It looks like an official IRS form, complete with instructions not to destroy the form.  It admonishes the recipient to complete the form and return it (and of course, the document contains a place to donate money to the Republican party).

AmericaBlog has the document on line; I’ve got what may be the relevant legal statute.

UPDATE:  I forgot to mention this little blurb on the document.  If you choose to “opt out” of filling the survey, the GOP makes a last-gasp effort to extract money from the voter’s wallet!

No. I do not wish to participate in the Survey, nor do I wish to make a donation to help the Republican Party. I am returning my Survey Document, along with a contribution of $11 to help cover the cost of tabulating and redistributing my Survey.