Georgia 6th On My Mind

Ken AshfordCongress, Election 2016, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

Well today is the big day.  Georgia-6th, a strong Republican district, might actually flip to Democratic in what many see as a referendum on Trump’s presidency.

The truth is, whether Joel Ossoff wins today or loses, it is almost irrelevant.  Polls show him barely ahead but that doesn’t matter. What matters is that a district which “split” on Trump and Hillary (Trump won over Hillary 48% to 47%) but is otherwise a Republican stronghold:

Election results from presidential races:

Year Office Results
2000 President George W. Bush 68% – Al Gore 32%
2004 President George W. Bush 70% – John Kerry 29%
2008 President John McCain 62% – Barack Obama 37%
2012 President Mitt Romney 61% – Barack Obama 38%
2016 President Donald Trump 48% – Hillary Clinton 47%

Tom Price, who left his seat to become Trump’s Secretary of Health and Human Services, has held that seat since 2004, taking 64.5%, 66.0%, and 61.7% in the last three elections (2012, 2014, and 2016).

Even if Ossloff comes close to winning, and he will, this means that many congressional seats that went for Hillary or slightly Trump are in play, and the House can be flipped in 2018.  And THAT means… impeachment.