Quote Of The Day

Ken AshfordElection 2016, Race1 Comment

Mike Huckabee on a radio show interrupts himself in response to a question about same-sex marriage:

Because if you equate same-sex marriage to a civil right — First of all, what an insult to African-Americans, who were hosed in the street, who were beaten, who were truly discriminated against with separate restrooms, separate drinking fountains, separate entrances. That was true discrimination and it was horrible. It’s hard to say that the redefinition of marriage is on the same basis as was racial discrimination throughout our history.

Right.  Because a white guy who supports the Confederate flag is all of a sudden an expert on what is offensive to black people.

Also, since the quote came up in the context of same-sex marriage, I’mma put this here.  Happened a couple days ago at a street/music festival in Columbus, Ohio.